Approved by the Government of Maharashtra , Bar Council of India (BCI) and Affiliated to University of Mumbai
ISO 9001 : 2015
Legal education, being a dynamic social subject of Humanities, the aspiring students have to be very robust and ready to face the challenges of the ambiguous journey of the road untraversed. Barrister A.R.Antulay College of Law (BARACL), another jewel in the crown of Anjuman-I-Islam, recently incepted in 2017, at the prime location in the heart of Mumbai, is well equipped to do just that as this Centre of Legal Education . ..Read More
Barrister A. R Antulay College of Law, a recently incepted law college, approved by the Bar Council of India (BCI) and affiliated to University of Mumbai provides three year L.L.B Degree course under the parasol of Anjuman-I-Islam trust. Anjuman-I-Islam has always made its presence felt not only in the domestic levels but also in national and international arenas. The college shall aim to acquire finesse and become...Read More
Management education being very dynamic seeks to provide corporations with the right candidates of the required managerial skills. Management institutes, therefore, have to be very robust and ready to face the VUCA World (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous).
At the onset, I thank the Honorable President and Management of Anjuman-I-Islam for starting Barrister A.R.Antulay College of Law. The College shall stand as a charioteer for the noble objectives of Anjuman-I-Islam by making sincere efforts to produce committed and efficient law professionals thereby contributing to the growth of the legal system in the country. Our mission is to transform the students as competent, conscientious and public spirited legal professionals responsive and suitable to face contemporary challenges for dissemination of justice as well as make a rewarding career by realizing their potentials.
Success is not a destination but a journey and by achieving small tasks on regular basis, the College shall aim to strive and provide-Education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased and intellect is expanded, which assist one to stand on their own feet. The Extra which is needed for an out of the box thinking will be stimulated in and off classroom teaching This goal shall be untiringly achieved through curricular and co-curricular activities such as...Read More
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